You did your homework before the draft and selected players you had every reason to believe would score you some points week in and week out. But things just didn't quite work out the way you envisioned, and you are not going to make the playoffs for your NBA fantasy league.

Maybe your analysis was flawed, players underperformed, or perhaps an injury kept them from living up to their potential. Whatever the reason-- you are done for the year. You're not making the playoffs, and you have no shot at winning the money/trophy/bragging rights, etc.

But that doesn't have to mean there's nothing left for you to do. Your season will end soon, but that doesn't mean you have to be a dead man walking.

What to do When Your NBA Fantasy Team Fails to Make the Playoffs

What can you do, right? It's not like there is anything you can do now that can change the trajectory of your season. But that does not mean you have to just sit there and watch your friends pummel your team in the final weeks.

But what can you do other than take the beatings and all the trash talk that comes with them? Plenty, my friends. You can do plenty. Some things will be productive and help set you up for success in the future.

Other things will be just because they are fun.

Set your roster

Don't be that guy who gets moody and temperamental because his team stinks. Respect the game and your opponents enough to continue to set your roster until your season officially ends.

Talk some crazy trash

But you're losing, so how can you talk trash? Easy—just do it. Have some fun. Be unapologeitc and crass. Roast everyone. It will make time go by faster, and you'll have fun even though your team stinks. 

When people try to call you out on it, talk more. Your team is already in the cellar, so it's not like they can say anything that you haven't already heard or thought of yourself.

If your league has a loser's bracket…

Prepare as if you are still going to the playoffs and making a run at the championship. It's not unusual for fantasy managers to quit setting their lineups once they are out. 

You can't win it all, but at least you can be the best loser. No one wants to win the NIT Championship, but they aren't mad when they do.

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If you're in a keeper league…

Identify any players that may be worth holding onto and pick them up. Maybe they finished strong down the stretch, had their season cut short by injury, or have just gone under the radar.

Drop the deadweight on your roster and pick these guys up. You don't have to keep them if things don't work out, but if they do...

Start preparing for next year

Do some homework right now. You aren't going to be looking into guys like Steph Curry, Kevin Durant, or  Shai Gilgeous-Alexander. But read up on the secondary guys, the ones with the potential to take on more responsibility.

Recognize who the pending free agents are and what playmakers could be on the move. Things will change in the offseason, but if you build a base of information now, that's less you'll need to do later.

You may not make the playoffs and win a championship, but that doesn't mean your season has been a waste. It is still possible to have fun; you can still win something (better than nothing, right?), and you can get a leg up on the next season.

When life gives you lemons…make yourself some hard lemonade.