Anyone can build a website. We give you an e-business solution.

Message From Founder
Dear Interested Reader,
Maybe you are a sports enthusiast or a software programmer that has thought about turning your passion and talent into a fantasy sports or some other type of business. Maybe you already have a following on social media or created an app that you want to monetize. Building a successful online business is not easy, but the more time you spend on what you love and are good at, and the less you need to spend on everything else, the better your chance for success.
I know, because I have been there. I underestimated the need for marketing when ASL went live in 2010, and professional marketing is so expensive it requires VC-level funding. I needed a marketing solution that could be run by only myself or a very small team. So I invested some of ASL's limited funds to build a suitable e-business solution, automating all the marketing hooks to meet ASL's marketing requirements.
I believe the fantasy sports industry will be healthier and more fun with your fresh and diverse ideas, so now ASL is offering our e-business marketing solution to you, so you can have your online business up and running faster, and with no surprises.
With that said, I want to be clear about two aspects of our e-business service. First, we are not a full custom website service. Your site will have basically the same layout as our website, but with your colors, logos, slogans, tabs headings, content, products, etc. Second, having a website, doesn't mean you will automatically get traffic to your website. You need to find ways to get that traffic. This can be done through social media, Google Ads, YouTube videos, search engine optimization (SEO), marketing agreements with other sites, etc. Our marketing automation encompasses all of the above, but you still need to put in the work to get eyeballs to your site.
Finally, our e-business solution supports a "Freemium" marketing model. The Freemium model is where you offer something of value for free to entice a visitor to register, then keep them engaged through a newsletter, social media and with fresh website content. We give you everything you need to support a solid and proven Freemium marketing approach.
Leonard LaPadula

Much More Than A Website
- Anyone can build a website, but an e-business solution requires much more
- It requires content & newsletter management, marketing system integration, product pages, purchase flow, and much more.
- You get a clone of ASL's full e-business solution, including support for a Freemium marketing model and integration with Google Ads and Google Analytics.
- Our full e-business solution is lower cost than a custom website because we have made our own proven and time-tested solution configurable.
- We gathering information from you then plug it into our full e-business solution to meet the needs of your business.

How It Works
- These are the stages of engagement:
- Stage 1: We guide you to create all accounts required to support your e-business solution, such as a webserver with Digital Ocean, a business email account with Amazon AWS, and a merchant provider account with Stripe. We perform the technical tasks to integrate it.
- Stage 2: You give us your colors, logos, slogans and overall website organization.
- Stage 3: We build a prototype website and e-business solution for your feedback and approval
- Stage 4: We support you as you fill out marketing material, such as filling out the product page templates
- Stage 5: Once you approve the prototype, we deploy, and your e-business solution goes live!
- Stage 6: We maintain the back-end of your e-business solution with regular updates and improvements, and you manage the content and marketing from the front-end.
- There is a payment schedule that goes with the above milestones. So you pay a small start-up fee upfront, and the rest incrementally when you are satisfied with the outcome of each stage.
Everything you need for creating & managing professional content, whether it's just you or a whole team.

Your Website
- A website is perhaps the most important part of your e-business solution.
- Our website technology is configurable for your e-business.
- Select your colors, slogans and logos.
- Decide your content categories and sub-categories.
- Place informative links to permanent content and banner ads on the left and right side of the site.
- Build simple or full-on product marketing pages from our product page templates
- You get a proven high-conversion-rate registration and purchase flow with associated email generation

Editing & Publishing
- Your website includes a fully-featured and easy-to-use content editor.
- The content editor collects everything in one place for your website, your newsletter, and social media.
- Crop images quickly to four pre-determined sizes: preview, article, newsletter and social media. You just bring the image in to our custom image cropper, set the edges and save.
- Build-up your own image library for reuse.
- Easily add videos, images, tables and quick links to other articles within your article.
- Utilize an API to auto-generate articles from software, including image selection, and newsletter and social media settings.
- Control which articles appear as feature article, and where an article shows up in the timeline by setting the publish date.
- Insert non-intrusive, one-line custom product promotion banners into your article.
- Control the permission levels of your writers and editor, such as who can edit and who can publish.

3 Content Tiers
- Use a 3-tier article system to utilize the Freemium marketing model:
- Free and fully visible to all: Current and interesting content any visitor to your site can view.
- Free, but only registered subscribers can view: A visitor can only view the top of the article until they register.
- Premium: A visitor can only view the top of the article until they sign-up for a paid subscription.
- In this way, you keep all visitors engaged, and incrementally move them toward making a purchase.
- Once registered, potential customers will start to receive your newsletter, making them aware of new content and bringing them back to your site.
- You can make samples of your premium content available to registered visitors so they will understand the value of your a premium subscription.
Full Freemium Model Marketing Support

#1: Get Visitors to Site
- Integration with Google: Perhaps the quickest and easiest way to get visitors to your site is with a Google Ads campaign. Your site has all the hooks to integrate with Google's marketing services.
- Integration with social media: When you add articles to the site, you can cause them to go out automatically on your social media platforms, such as Facebook and X.
- Partner promos: Make synergistic co-marketing agreements with partner promo codes to offer their customers discounts.
- Search engine optimization (SEO): Our website solution follows Google's guidelines so you can rank competitively when you implement SEO.

#2: Get Visitors to Register
- Getting a new visitor to register or make a purchase on their first visit to your website is difficult.
- Therefore, it's important to find ways to keep them on your site longer and keep them coming back.
- Our solution includes "exit pop-ups" which appears if a new visitor starts to leave a product marketing page. You can promote something free on the exit pop-up to entice the visitor to register.
- You can also post content that is viewable only to registered users.

#3: Keep Audience Engaged
- Once a visitor registers, we give you tools to keep them engaged.
- Newsletter: You get our easy-to-use powerful newsletter creation tool. Just slide the articles you want into the newsletter, and the image, links, and call to action are all included.
- API for article generator: We provide an API interface for posting articles from an article generator. If you have software programming skills, you can auto-create fresh articles as often as you like, and they will automatically post to your site.
- New and useful content: Continuing to add fresh new content to your site keeps visitors returning.
- Help and Tutorials: You can add demo and tutorial videos, FAQs and help information for your products to keep subscribers interest and help them get more value from your products.
Proven, Measurable, High-Conversion-Rate & Customizable

Merchant Provider Integration
- We integrate with Stripe to process credit and debit cards.
- You get full access to their dashboard which has much helpful information, such as retention rate, revenue trends, future predictions, etc.
- We also integrate with PayPal.

Proven Flow
- From Google Ad to purchase, we have achieved high conversion rates.
- Many underestimate the importance of the check-out page - a 10% improvement in click-through is a 10% increase in total revenue.
- You benefit from our experience - keep it simple, positive affirmation, no distractions
- We have refined our product page templates and purchase flow with years of experience.
- You get all the mechanisms you need to achieve high conversion rates.

Analytics & A/B Testing
- Get valuable analytics to help you optimize your product marketing material:
- Google Analytics & Traffic Tracker: Learn how visitors flow through your website, and where they are exiting out of your purchase flow the most.
- A/B Testing: Run two versions of the same product page and objectively measure which version has the higher conversion rate.
- Membership Pro: Get a quick estimate of monthly revenue and overall trend data.
- Exit Questionnaire: Customize an exit questionnaire to learn why a subscriber cancelled their subscription so you can know how to improve.
Integrate & Market Your Products

Product Page Templates
- Build the best product conversion page from our product page template:
- Well-designed main page for product highlights
- Flexible tab/accordion style menu for product details
- Embed images and videos
- Responsive design for mobile, tablet and desktop
- Call to action button opens proven, high-conversion-rate purchase page

Subscription Management
- Create different licenses for different content and product pages. These licenses integrate with your app through a license management API.
- Decide the type of subscriptions you want to offer, such as monthly, yearly or one-time.
- Monthly and yearly auto-renew.
- Subscribers that have yearly auto-renew are automatically sent a reminder email two-weeks before they will be charged.
- We support upgrades, bundling, promo codes, free-trials - everything you need to marketing your product.

FAQs & Support
- Give your subscribers the information they need to get the best value from your content and app.
- Take customer's most frequently asked questions (FAQ) and build an FAQ library to reduce your support burden.
- Build tutorial videos on YouTube and make them available for users on the website
- Provide a support link so subscribers can get the assistance they need.
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